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This is the new home for GrownUpTech.com, ThisGeekIKnow.com, SouthernFriedYanqui.com, and FindFocusClick.com
Why the change?
I found that managing four different sites was extremely difficult. The themes were different and needed different settings, they didn’t have a cohesive feel to them, and I just couldn’t keep up with keeping them all secure with the differences in their settings. I wanted to create one home where all my content can live, in one setting, under one theme, with one set of security settings to manage. It will also make it easier for my readers to follow all of the content without having to keep track of all the sites.
It’s also going to make serving my readers easier for me, and better for you. I can focus more on the content and less on the website and social posting. It’s also going to make it easier for you to explore the other genres without having to leave the site — it’s all here.
What Will Change?
Well, the navigation will change. Important relevant news will be the first menu item, like a recent meltdown or outbreak that I think everyone needs to be aware of, beyond what you’ll hear on the news. You’ll find the computer basic items next, and intermediate items, deep dives, ethics, and cool and emerging tech will follow. In addition, all of my SouthernFriedYanqui content that is not tech related will have its own menu, but all of the tech content will be under one of the tech menus. It won’t be called SouthernFriedYanqui, as much as I hate to give up that name. It’s now the Bold and Better section. Finally FindFocusClick is now Focus Forward. It’s a name that expresses the journey I’m on.
You undoubtedly noticed that there’s now an option to sign up for updates. I’ve never done that before, because it would have required managing four lists and making sure I sent out four updates every week, in addition to writing four blog articles every week. Well, alternating three and four, because ThisGeekIKnow requires a lot of digging, so it takes longer to write. Having them all consolidated means that you can keep up with all the content without having to remember to come back to find out if I’ve added new content. If you subscribe, I’ll let you know once a week what I put up here. I’ll also use Facebook, X/Twitter, Bluesky, Linkedin, and Instagram, but followers can check on one site instead of four different ones. This is going to be more important with Instagram than with any of the others, but I still wanted to make it easier for all of us.
What Will Stay the Same:
The content of the site will remain consistent with the goals of each of the previous sites, and the quality of the research and presentation will be at least as good. I’ve never written my stuff to appeal to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and I’m not going to start now. I do try to craft a title that will appeal to search engines, but I’m going to rely on social media and word of mouth to get people familiar with the site.
I’ve been fairly consistent with my schedule, and that’s also going to stay the same. Monday and every other Wednesday it’ll be a tech stuff. Fridays will be commentary, opinion or a lifehack. Saturdays I’ll show you what I’ve learned on my photography journey. The schedule may shift, depending on breaking news and cool stuff I find, but it’s a schedule that has worked for me pretty well. Unless I feel a need to change, I won’t. Over the weekend, I haven’t decided yet when (maybe even early Monday morning) I’ll send out an email that recaps what I posted throughout the week, in cased you missed my social media posts on it. If you follow me on any of the social channels, you may see some of the same subjects posted on the same channel, but it’s important to understand that only a small portion of your audience actually sees any of your posts, partly because the algorithms only show it to a portion, but also partly because when a post is live, some of your audience won’t be viewing their feed. In order to be able to reach a broad section of readers, it takes several iterations of the each social media post.
Take a look around and explore the layout and the new segmentations. I’d love to hear what you think about how I’ve set it up — is anything missing? Is it overdone? Look into some of the areas you may not have seen from the old sites and drop a comment in the section to let me know where I’m hitting.
Just one more thing…
This is my website. I bear all the costs of it. I can appreciate a healthy disagreement, but the emphasis will always be on “healthy.” I will tolerate a friendly ribbing. I will make a joke at my own expense. But I also reserve the right to delete comments that are inappropriate for my audience.